Wiebe Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Im Finigen 8
28832 Achim

Telephone: +49 (0)4202 – 987-0
Telefax: +49 (0)4202 – 987-100


Registry data
Registry Court: Local Court Walsrode
Register number: HRA 121042
Value added tax identification number acc. to § 27 a UStG: DE 116730223

General partner
Wiebe Holding Beteiligungs-GmbH
Im Finigen 8
28832 Achim

Registry Court: Local Court Walsrode
Register number: HRB 121764

Managing directors
Kai Legenhausen, Sandra Wiebe-Legenhausen

Editorial responsibility acc. to § 55 Par. 2 RStV
Sandra Wiebe-Legenhausen

construktiv GmbH, Bremen


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The author declares herewith that at the point in time at which the links were first placed on the site no illegal content was apparent on the linked sites. The author has no influence on the current or future design, content and authorship of linked sites. The author cannot therefore be held liable for changes made to any sites after the link has been placed on the site. Furthermore, the author cannot be held liable for either links or postings and messages published by users of discussion boards, guest books, mailing lists, or other similar facilities provided on the author’s own site. Any illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents, and any damage or loss resulting from the use of such information, is the responsibility of the provider of the site to which a link has been made and not the person who merely made the link to the publication in question.